
Registration for ARVO 2025

Important information about the 2025 Annual Meeting

The 2025 ARVO Annual Meeting is scheduled to be in-person only and will not have a virtual component.

NOTE: The presentation type option "on-demand" is for those who know for sure they will be unable to travel and cannot present at the Annual Meeting. There is no virtual presentation in the 2025 Annual Meeting program. Learn More

register now button Add session to registration button

Be aware of registration scams

There are very sophisticated criminals who create a fake website for ARVO and other large meetings every year. Prior to the pandemic, they were primarily focused on selling hotel rooms that either do not exist or that have been marked up in price. They are now adding registration sales to their scams. Several of these websites were set up for previous Annual Meetings.

These ‘companies’ have the ability to deceive members and attendees into paying false invoices. A commonly used strategy is to target people by posing as a third-party organization (such as MedConn) that handles payments and billing information, or as an employed member of a company using relevant details and public information accessible online. Visit only or to book your hotel or to register.

How to get your name badge

ARVO's registration system will provide email confirmations to quickly scan and print your badge at kiosks onsite at the Convention Center all week. 

Badge pickup hours (MT)
  • Saturday, May 3 (7am - 6pm)
    • Saturday Snack and Scan: Print your badge while enjoying snacks (2 - 4pm) and refreshments (4 - 6pm).
  • Sunday, May 4 - Wednesday, May 7 (7am - 6pm) 
  • Thursday, May 8 (7am - 2:30pm)

2025 Annual Meeting registration
Annual Meeting registration fees By April 25
After April 25
ARVO Member  $370 $585
ARVO Member-in-Training  $255 $385
Nonmember  $655 $870
Nonmember-in-Training $395 $525

Things to know about Annual Meeting Registration
  • Membership dues are non-refundable, non-transferable, and do not include registration fees for the 2025 Annual Meeting. Join/Renew now
  • All deadline dates are subject to Eastern Time.
  • If you require a personalized letter of invitation for a visa application, please visit this page (ARVO login required) and fill in the information where indicated before printing.
    • Annual Meeting registration is required to be provided a letter of invitation.
  • Meals, All Access Saturday registration, Pre-meeting sessions, and Annual Meeting extras are not included with Annual Meeting registration and come as separate fees.


Registration payment information

Registration payments can be made using one of the following options:

  • Online payments through the ARVO website by Credit Card (AMEX, VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER)
  • Wire transfer payment
  • Check payment
  • Secured Payment Terminal (if paying by Credit Card on behalf of registrant)
  • Purchase Orders are not accepted


Wire Transfer Payment information (International Attendees Only)
  • It may take 14 days from the Wire Transfer remittance date for funds to be deposited, please plan accordingly. 
  • Payment of registration fees will only be posted upon confirmation of deposit from our bank. 
  • The deadline to receive wire transfer payments (or checks) is Friday, April 25, 2025.
    Wire transfer (or check) payments sent or received after April 25, 2025, may not be processed by the start of the meeting.

Note: For wire transfer or Secure Payment Terminal options, please email for instructions

Accredited Continuing Education

The 2025 Annual Meeting, held in Salt Lake City, Utah from May 4 - 8, is an accredited continuing education activity. Attendees who register for CME credits and pay the processing fee are eligible to claim credit for attending in-person, accredited paper and cross-sectional group sessions, minisymposia, and symposia.

Attendees interested in claiming AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for participating in the Annual Meeting are required to add the “CME credits and certificates” session to their registration to pay the associated fee by May 8, 2025. Follow these instructions to add the CME session to your new/existing registration.

Exhibitors may be eligible to claim credit and should contact for assistance.

CME credit and certificates processing fee

March 7

May 8

ARVO MIT/Nonmember-in-Training $79 $79
ARVO Member/Exhibitor (paid full-meeting access badge)  $99 $119
Nonmember/Exhibitor (complimentary full meeting access badge only) $99 $119

All-Access Saturday

Saturday, May 3| 8am - 5pm MT

NEW: Get unlimited all-day access to your choice of Saturday sessions for just one registration fee. The All-Access Saturday pass gives you the freedom to move around to various discussions/presentations you are interested in and build your own individual schedule for the day. Your All-Access Saturday pass may be added to your registration for the Annual Meeting.

By April 25 After April 25  
Member $235 $320  
Member-in-Training $175 $220  
Nonmember $310 $395  
Nonmember-in-Training $215 $260  



2023 ARVO Foundation honorees: Stella Robertson, Dan Stamer, BrightFocus FoundationARVO Foundation Gala

Saturday, May 3 | 7:30 - 10pm MT
Hyatt Regency, Salt Lake City

The ARVO Foundation's annual fundraising event honors individuals and organizations who have shown dedication to the ARVO Foundation and its mission. The 2025 ARVO Foundation Honorees and new Dowling Society members will be recognized. Tickets available online in advance only until April 25. Options to buy a table or sponsorship are also available. Learn more about the Gala

ARVO Foundation Gala tickets
Purchase by April 25
Individual  $349

U.S. tax deduction: The estimated fair market value of the goods and services received is $150 per ticket/seat. The balance of your purchase may be tax deductible.


WEAVR Event photo2025 WEAVR Luncheon

Tuesday, May 6 | 11:30am - 1pm MT
Hyatt Regency, Salt Lake City

Network with colleagues at the annual Women in Eye and Vision Research (WEAVR) Luncheon, a fundraiser for the ARVO Foundation. Purchase tickets online or onsite (onsite availability not guaranteed). Options to buy a table or sponsorship are also available. Learn more about the Luncheon

WEAVR Luncheon tickets  
 Member/Nonmember  $89
 Member-in-Training  $59

U.S. tax deduction: The estimated fair market value of the goods and services received is $59 per ticket/seat. The balance of your purchase may be tax deductible. 


Karaoke singers on stageKaraoke Night

Wednesday, May 7 | 8pm - 11pm MT
Location: Keys on Main

You don't want to miss this crowd favorite. Back this year ―  Karaoke! 

Karaoke tickets (non-refundable)
$20  includes admission, one drink and light snacks

 Cancellation and refund policy
  • The deadline to receive refund requests for the Annual Meeting is 5pm EDT on Friday, April 25, 2025.
  • Annual Meeting registration: Registration fees will be refunded for the amount paid, less a $75 administrative fee ($40 for students).
  • No refunds will be given for cancellations received in the ARVO office after 5pm, EDT on April 25, 2025.
  • All cancellations must be sent in writing to ARVO, 5515 Security Lane, Suite 500, Rockville, MD 20852, or by emailing