Envisioning Equity in Eye Care Program
Day 1:
Welcome from ARVO President & Opening Keynote ― Lessons from the Health Equity COVID-19 Task Force
The COVID-19 global pandemic shined a bright light on the health disparities within the U.S. health care system. The time to implement real solutions is now. Join this session to hear lessons learned from health professionals treating COVID-19 and leave with a new understanding of the social determinants of health and the work needed to close the equity gap.
- Welcome ― ARVO President Hans E. Grossniklaus, MD, MBA, FARVO
- Welcome and Conference Overview ― Kristen Harris Nwanyanwu, MD, MBA, MHS
- What are Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health? Understanding the Epidemiology of Disparities in Ophthalmology ― Angela R. Elam, MD
- Keynote Presentation: Lessons from the Health Equity COVID 19 Task Force ― A Conversation with Marcella Nunez-Smith, MD, MS [moderated by Dr. Nwanyanwu]
Using data to reveal disparities
Identifying health disparities is the first step to eliminating them. Examining health care and genetic “big data” in new ways and redesigning clinical trials to include diverse patient population are proven methods to reveal inequities. In this session, you will learn how these methods are being applied to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of eye-related diseases and disorders.
Session moderator: R. V. Paul Chan, MD, MSc, MBA
- Using AI to Tackle Eye Health Disparities ― Omolola Ogunyemi, PhD
- Genetics and Health Disparities ― Janey Wiggs, MD, PhD
- Big Data Sources for Studying Health Disparities in Ophthalmology ― Sally L. Baxter, MD, MSc
- How Clinical Trials Can Address Health Disparities ― Matthew Cunningham, MD
Research funding opportunities
Funding is available for research projects that address issues of health equity and to assist underrepresented minorities (URMs) with their research and clinical careers. You will leave this session with the knowledge you need to locate and apply for these funding opportunities.
Session moderator: Adrienne W. Scott, MD
- NIH: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Addressing Eye and Vision Health Equity/Health Disparities ― Jimmy Le, ScD
- Sources of Non-Government Funding ― Ahmara G. Ross, MD, PhD
- NEI Career Development Funding Mechanisms & Diversity ― Neeraj Agarwal, PhD
Day 2:
Building interventions to address disparities
“It is not from ourselves that we learn to be better than we are.” – Wendell Berry
Learn from your colleagues who are studying options to improve access to care. You will leave this session with knowledge of what works and what does not.
Session moderator: Paul P. Lee, JD, MD
- Primary Care-Based Teleretinal Screening Protocol for the Los Angeles County Safety Net ― Lauren P. Daskivich, MD, MSHS
- Sight-Saving Engagement and Evaluation in New Haven (SEEN) Program ― Kristen Harris Nwanyanwu, MBA, MD, MHS
- Michigan Screening and Intervention for Glaucoma and Eye Health through Telemedicine (MI-SIGHT) Program ― Paula Anne Newman-Casey, MD, MS
Place-based solutions to address disparities
“Reducing health disparities to improve health outcomes is a complex challenge that extends far beyond the reach of traditional health care settings.“ - Brown et al., 2019
During this interactive session, the presenters will lead an open dialogue about creating health disparities interventions through partnerships between researchers, clinicians and community leaders. Join in the conversation and leave with new ideas to explore.
Session moderator: Lindsay Anne Rhodes, MD, MSPH
- Faith-Based Organizations ― Angela R. Elam, MD
- Rural Telemedicine: Leveraging Implementation Science to Improve Public Health ― Yao Liu, MD MS
- Advancing Health Equity in Pediatric Eye Care: The Role of Schools ― Megan E. Collins, MD, MPH
- Public Housing: The Manhattan Vision Screening and Follow-up Study ― Lisa A. Hark, PhD,MBA
Increasing diversity within eye and vision science
Increasing the number of URMs in the pipeline to become ophthalmologists, optometrists, and eye and vision researchers is key to increasing workforce diversity. The presenters in this session will describe scholarship and mentor programs available to URMs. The session will conclude with an open dialogue with panelists to uncover unmet needs and share best practices.
Session moderator: Keith D. Carter, MD
- Minority Mentoring in Ophthalmology (MOM) ― Mildred M.G. Olivier, MD
- Rabb-Venable Program ― O'Rese J. Knight, MD
- DEI Efforts for LGBTQI+ Persons in Ophthalmology ― César A. Briceño, MD
- Panel Discussion with Keith D. Carter, MD; Peter W. MacIntosh, MD; Fasika Woreta, MD, MPH; Ruth Shoge, OD, MPH
Closing Keynote: Public health and disparities research - A NIH/NEI strategic area of emphasis
The National Institutes of Health, National Eye Institute and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities are partnering to tackle health disparities. Attend this session to hear Dr. Chiang and Dr. Pérez-Stable discuss this partnership and how you can get involved.
Session moderator: Eve Higginbotham, MD, SM, ML
- Panelist: Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, MD, Director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
- Panelist: Michael F. Chiang, MD, Director of National Eye Institute
* Program is subject to change