Dowling Society inductees

Individuals to be inducted in 2025

The ARVO Foundation recognized the following new members of the Dowling Society at the 2025 ARVO Foundation Gala in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dowling Society members have made a commitment of supporting the ARVO Foundation with a gift of $10,000 or more.

(* deceased)

2025 Dowling Society inductees

Stewart A. Bloomfield, PhD, FARVO

C. Ross Ethier, PhD, FARVO

Michael Goldbaum, MD, FARVO

Mae O. Gordon, PhD

Jarrod C. Harman, PhD and Yanhui Ma, PhD

Monica M. Jablonski, PhD, FARVO

Samuel G. Jacobson, MD, PhD, FARVO* and Jean Jacobson

Sir Peng Tee Khaw, MD, PhD, FARVO and Lady Peggy Khaw

Maureen A. McCall, PhD, FARVO

Jacob Pe'er, MD, FARVO

David Troilo, PhD, FARVO