Setting up research in a new country
Webinar | Feb. 26 | 9 - 10:30am ET
- Members/Members-in-Training — $0
- Nonmembers/Nonmembers-in-Training — $15
Audience: Vision scientists and researchers interested in learning more about research opportunities in other countries.
Summary: With increases in global mobility and international networks, vision researchers will increasingly face the task of undertaking research in a new setting. This could be in the form of developing a research career following a personal move to a new country, for example from one with a more rudimentary, to another with a more advanced research infrastructure. Conversely, researchers from resource-rich settings may seek to undertake collaborative, impactful research in relatively resource-poor settings. The statement “I wish I had known about this earlier…” is often heard in both cases. This webinar aims to discuss some of these challenges and potential solutions from researchers who have had to make a range of such transitions. This session will consist of presentations from leading individuals who have a wealth of first-hand experience successfully navigating research in new environments.
This webinar is hosted by ARVO's Global Members Committee (GMC). A certificate of attendance will be available to attendees upon completion.
Organizers and Moderators: Benedicte Lescrauwaet, MSc; Damian Dorfman, MD, PhD; Omar Mahroo, MB, BChir, PhD, FRCOphth
Transforming eye health in low and middle income countries
Founder & CEO, Peek Vision
Setting up research in India from the UK
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Insights from the National Eye Survey of Trinidad and Tobago
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Researching blindness in many countries
Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology
Queen's University Belfast