
In the blink of AI: Considerations for using AI in scientific writing


Webinar| May 21 6 - 7:30pm ET

  • Member/Member-in-Training — $0
  • Nonmember/Nonmember-in-training — $15

Audience: Vision scientists and researchers interested in utilizing AI tools in scientific writing.

Summary: Artificial intelligence tools, particularly large language models such as ChatGPT offer the potential to revolutionize our approach to scientific writing by performing time-consuming tasks that were previously only possible by humans such as summarizing literature, generating text or proof-reading. However, there are several technical and ethical considerations researchers need to consider when using AI for scientific writing. This workshop will provide researchers with information on the AI tools currently available for scientific writing, the ability for these tools to assist in complex writing such as systematic reviews, the ethical and authorship implications of AI-assisted scientific writing and the impact of AI on the peer-review process.  

This webinar is hosted by ARVO's Publications Committee (PUB). A certificate of attendance will be available to attendees upon completion.

Organizers and moderators: Brian Vohnsen, MSc, PhD; Lisa Nivison-Smith, BSc (Hons), PhD.

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Getting Started: Current AI tools for scientific writing
Andy Stapleton, PhDAndy Stapleton, PhD
Before you submit: Author considerations when using AI for scientific writing
Kelly CohenKelly Cohen
Senior Publisher
Optica Publishing Group
Migel Alonzo, PhD, EngPhysMiguel Alonso, PhD, EngPhys
Optics Letters
Case study: Using AI for systematic reviews
Riaz Qureshi, PhD, MSRiaz Qureshi, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor
Cochrane Eyes and Vision
Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine
Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
An editor’s perspective: Impact of AI-assisted scientific writing on peer-review
Joseph Carroll, PhD, FARVOJoseph Carroll, PhD, FARVO
Richard O. Schultz, MD / Ruth Works Professor of Ophthalmology
Director, Dennis P. Han MD Advanced Ocular Imaging Program
Medical College of Wisconsin

*Presenters and presentations are subject to change