ARVO Foundation Early Career Clinician-Scientist Research Awards
These awards support researchers who are committed to careers as clinician-scientists. The awards are presented annually in recognition of significant research being presented at the ARVO Annual Meeting.
Awardees will receive a $3,000 honorarium, an inscribed award and invitations to several special events at the ARVO Annual Meeting.
Researchers engaged in basic or clinical vision research who hold an MD or equivalent clinical professional degree with an academic faculty or comparable appointment, are committed to a career encompassing institutionally guaranteed protected time for research, and are currently working or have previously worked under the guidance of a mentor are eligible to apply.
Application process
Applications are accepted via the ARVO Annual Meeting abstract submission process. Candidates may indicate on their abstract submission that they would like to be considered for this award. Abstracts may be submitted online before the deadline.
Review and selection process
Abstracts are reviewed and scored by the Annual Meeting Program Committee. The award is given to the highest-scoring abstracts submitted by eligible individuals who have opted in to being considered for the award.
Applications coincide with the ARVO Annual Meeting abstract submission process.
Recipients notified: February 2025
2025 recipients
Maria Vittoria Cicinelli, MD
San Raffaele Scientific Institute
Denise Loya-Garcia MD, PhD
Instituto de Oftalmologia Fundación Conde de Valenciana
Vishal Raval, MD
LV Prasad Eye Institute