Professional Development and Education Committee

The Professional Development and Education Committee (PDEC) oversees and provides guidance for ARVO’s online learning material and methods, ensuring that programs are meeting ARVO’s organizational goals.


  • Review ARVO’s strategic plan and consider its goals when making decisions on developing or approving educational offerings.
  • Conduct needs assessment to determine topics for online learning, including webinars and online courses (finalize topics and delivery format 18 months out).
  • Develop new criteria and scoring for member content submitted for consideration for face-to-face and/or online delivery (non-Annual Meeting).
  • Oversee call for proposals and once per year review members’ course content submissions. Participate in a conference call to finalize selection of full- and half-day Saturday courses, which are held in conjunction with the ARVO Annual Meeting.
  • Select course organizers and/or speakers to work with ARVO staff to develop and implement programs through ARVOLearn. Solicit additional organizers and/or speakers to address educational needs not met via the proposal process.
  • A PDEC member is assigned as an advisor to each organizer of a Saturday full- or half-day course to provide guidance regarding course development policies and procedures, as well as best practices in course design. This involves one conference call, online interaction with course organizers and communication with the ARVO staff liaison.
  • Review member proposals for small meetings and conferences, relaying to the Board of Trustees those recommended for additional consideration.
  • The PDEC chair (and/or chair-elect) reviews workshop proposals from ARVO committees to ensure appropriateness for the Annual Meeting and recommends changes when final topics are duplicated across proposals to avoid redundancy of content.
  • Review education and training program activity evaluations to measure overall success and apply insights to future course decisions.
  • Work with staff liaison to stay abreast of trends in education delivery methods to determine the best mechanisms to educate a global audience.
  • Work with staff liaison to provide a written report to the Board of Trustees at its regularly scheduled meeting each spring.

In compliance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) guidelines, PDEC committee members may not be owners or employees of ACCME-defined ineligible companies.



The Committee communicates regularly through a private ARVOConnect community and meets face-to-face during the Annual Meeting. In addition, the committee meets by conference call in August. Additional online meetings may be called as deemed necessary by the Committee Chair.


How to Apply: The 2024 application period will open Dec. 2

To be considered for membership on the Committee, please submit an online application consisting of an application statement plus detail of past ARVO service and/or experience. It is recommended that individuals:

  • Invest time in their application
  • Make sure their member information is updated and accurate in ARVOConnect

The ARVO President-elect will make appointments in February/March for the term beginning in May 2025 (additional details will be announced at a later date).



Edmund Tsui, MD

Section: Immunology/Microbiology
UCLA Stein Eye Institute - Ophthalmology, Uveitis Service
Los Angeles , Calif.
Term: 05/07/2021 - 05/09/2025


Helena Prior Filipe, MD

Section: Cornea
Hospital Egas Moniz, Lisbon, East Hospital Center
Lisbon , Portugal
Term: 05/13/2022 - 05/30/2025


Priya Chaudhary, PhD

Section: Glaucoma
Devers Eye Institute
Portland , Ore.
Term: 05/13/2022 - 05/30/2025


Ngozi Chidi-Egboka, OD, MPH, FNCO, FAAO

Section: Cornea
The University of New South Wales
Sydney , Australia
Term: 05/19/2022 - 05/30/2025


Menglu Yang, MD, PhD

Section: Immunology/Microbiology
Schepens Eye research Institute
Boston , Mass.
Term: 05/19/2022 - 05/30/2025


Maria Vittoria Cicinelli, MD

Section: Retina
San Raffaele Scientific Institute
Milano , Italy
Term: 04/27/2023 - 05/07/2026


Sapna Gangaputra, MD, MPH

Section: Immunology/Microbiology
Vanderbilt Eye Institute
Nashville , Tenn.
Term: 04/27/2023 - 05/07/2026


Brooke M. Harkness, OD, ms

Section: Cornea
Casey Eye Institute
Portland , Ore.
Term: 04/27/2023 - 05/07/2026


Neha Sharma, BA, MPH

Section: Retina
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Cleveland Heights , Ohio
Term: 04/27/2023 - 05/07/2026


Diane Bovenkamp, PhD

Section: Retina
BrightFocus Foundation
Clarksburg , Md.
Term: 05/31/2024 - 05/31/2027


Enrico Borrelli, MD, PhD

Section: Retina
University of Turin
Turin , Italy
Term: 05/09/2024 - 05/31/2027


Avinash Pathengay, FRCS

Section: Physiology/Pharmacology
L V Prasad Eye Institute, GMRV Campus
Visakhapatnam , India
Term: 05/09/2024 - 05/31/2027


Shivalingappa K Swamynathan, MSc, PhD, FARVO

Section: Cornea
University of South Florida
Tampa , Fla.
Term: 05/09/2024 - 05/31/2027


Lajos Csincsik, PhD

Section: Retina
Queen's University Belfast
Belfast Northern Ireland , U.K.
Term: 05/31/2024 - 05/31/2027

Trustee Liaison, Ex Officio

Goldis Malek, PhD, FARVO

Section: Retinal Cell Biology
Duke University
Durham , N.C.
Term: 05/09/2024 - 05/31/2029

Trustee Liaison, Ex Officio

Matthew Wilson, MD

Section: Anatomy and Pathology/Oncology
Univ. of Tennessee Health Science Center
Memphis , Tenn.
Term: 05/18/2023 - 05/04/2028

Ex Officio

SriniVas R. Sadda, MD, FARVO

Section: Retina
Doheny Eye Institute
Pasadena , Calif.
Term: 05/05/2024 - 05/08/2025

Executive Vice President

J. Mark Petrash, PhD, FARVO

Section: Lens
University of Colorado
Boulder , Colo.
Term: 05/20/2022 - 05/31/2027

Ex Officio

Iris M. Rush, CAE

Executive Director


Lancey Cowan, JD, CAE

Chief Meetings Officer


Jason Spessard

Chief Financial Officer

Staff Committee Liaison

Cathy Conley

Director, Online Education