Trustee elections
Comprised of elected members from ARVO's Scientific Sections, the Board of Trustees sets the strategic direction for ARVO and has the final responsibility and authority for all actions and policies that are recommended or adopted by standing and special committees, advisory councils and representatives to professional and governmental organizations, agents and employees.
The Board meets once in the fall and twice in the spring at the Annual Meeting. Trustees serve five-year terms.
Elections for the PH and RE Trustees candidates will be open March 10 - May 4. The Trustee-elects will be announced at the 2025 Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The call for CO, EY and LE Trustee nominations closed Feb. 14. The two nominees with the highest number of votes in the 2025 election become Trustee candidates in the 2026 election, which will occur in the months preceding the 2026 Annual Meeting. The Trustee candidates will be announced in May 2025.
Ideal candidates for this position are members who have previously served and/or chaired an ARVO committee(s) or have participated in the governance of other organizations.
Voting members (Regular, Sustaining and Life) whose dues are paid by Feb. 14, 2025 are eligible to nominate or be nominated. Voting members may only nominate or be nominated within their own Section or Cross-sectional group.
Submission of nominations
The following five items are required:
- Nomination statement – 300 words or less – describing why the nominee’s scientific contributions best qualify her/him for the role of Trustee.
- Biographical sketch – 500 words or less – describing the nominee’s education, work experience, training and other relevant attributes that qualify her/him for the position.
- Disclosures – list of the nominee’s commercial and financial interests.
- Headshot photo – JPEG format – suitable for online reproduction.
- Letter of:
- Endorsement – Self-nominations only, 100 words or less – from a voting member in your section endorsing the self-nomination
- Consent – from the nominee confirming interest in running – not required for self-nominations
ARVO Trustee Election Cycle
- In 2024, IM, RC and VI elect their Trustees while PH and RE nominate candidates to run in 2025.
- In 2025, PH and RE elect their Trustees while CO, EY and LE nominate candidates to run in 2026.
- In 2026, CO, EY and LE elect their Trustees while BI, CL and VN nominate candidates to run in 2027.
- In 2027, BI, CL and VN elect their Trustees while AP and GL nominate candidates to run in 2028.
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